Ranbir kapoor is a bollywood actor. His full name is Ranbir Rishi Kapoor. He is soon of Rishi Kapoor and Neetu kapoor(Neetu Singh). He was born on 28september 1982. His zodiac is libra. As he was born on financially sound family he has got better education. His high school is Bombay Scottish. His collage was Le strasberg institute. His favorites sport is Cricket, Soccer and chess. His favorites actor are Rishi Kapoor and Akshaye Khanna. His favorites actress is Kajol. His favorite movie is Shree 420, Life is beautiful, Devdas. He loves reading. His favorite books are ‘song my mother taught me’ by Marlon Brando. And ‘the kite runner’ by khaled Hosseini. His favorite cuisine is Italian, Chinese and mom’s cooking. He has so interesting facts. Some of them are:
• He never leaves home without his cell phone.
• He has his mom on the speed dial.
• He continues to take Rs1,500 per week pocket money from mom
• He cries often but not ashamed to admit.