Shradhya kapoor has made her Bollywood dubut in 2010with the film Teen Patti which starred Amitabh Bachchen and R. Madhaven. Her performance was praised by everyone and also was ranked 3rd in times poll for the hottest new face-female of2010. In 2011, she was then seen as Rhean in ‘Luv Ka The End’ playing the role of up-town girl. Later she shot to fame with the flick Ashique 2.
Shradha was awarded “Stardust Searching” Award for the best actress in 2012. She appeared in a guest appearance for the romantic comedy Gori Teri Pyaar Main. Kapoor next reunited with Suri for the Thriller Ek Villain, for which she also sang the song”Galliyan”. Through this she got success in her ever step and encourage her to work hard.