Sonakshi Sinha is an Indian Bollywood actress. She made her Bollywood debut with 2010's Blockbuster hit "Dabangg" opposite Salman Khan, which went on to be the biggest hit of that year. She won the Filmfare Award for "Best Female Debut". Later, she starred in some of Bollywood's biggest hits including Rowdy Rathore, Son of Sardar, Dabangg 2 and many more. Now she will soon be seen in upcoming movies Akira, Force 2, Namastey England and Haseena Parkar biopic.
Sonaksi Sinha was born on 2 June 1987 at Patna, Bihar, India. She is also known Sona as her nick name is it. Her father is Shatrughan Sinha a Bollywood actor. Similarly her mother is Poonam Sinha. Like wise her brothers are Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha. Her zodiac sign is Gemini. She has studied in Arya Vidhya Mandir, Mumbai. She was graduated on Fashion Designing. Her hobbies are photography and dancing.